If you and your employees will be traveling for business this year, there are many factors to keep in mind. Under the tax law, certain requirements […]
Whether you’re operating a new company or an established business, losses can happen. The federal tax code may help soften the blow by allowing businesses to […]
Is your business having trouble collecting payments from clients or vendors? You might be able to claim a bad debt deduction on your tax return. But […]
The pandemic changed the landscape of work for a lot of people, including the numerous business owners who began running their businesses from their homes. Many […]
To gift or not to gift? It’s a deceptively complex question. The temporary doubling of the gift and estate tax exemption (to an inflation-adjusted $12.92 million […]
Family businesses make up a huge percentage of companies in the United States and produce much of the country’s gross domestic product. Often defined as companies […]